Wednesday, July 30, 2008


How eco is my jetpack, compared to a budget flight? Ryanair operates Boeing 737-800s, which uses 0.01387 gallons of fuel per passenger mile (here), presumably with a full plane (quite common in my experience). On looking, I am hoping for a significant and obvious difference to help my decision, as the comments in that last link show that working out fuel efficiency for aircraft is not such an exact science. (Also suggests that comment boards on every topic attract similar relationships, no love lost in aerospace!)

Rationale for asking: I fell of my bike and tombstoned my wrist (without managing to break anything), so have done virtually no exercise for two months, therefore won't be able to cycle to the Big Chill tomorrow. Alternatives needed.

My jetpack eats 10 gallons/hour (gph), although with a fuel capacity of five gallons, this suggests half an hour's flight time. Its range is 31.5 miles, at a maximum speed of 63 mph. Which is definitely another victory for the airline industry. So we will fly.

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