At its height, the largest employer in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy was a classy ceramics factory in Pécs, which I think is rather nice. Although a lot of the stuff is quite ugly and kitch, Zsolnay's techniques were new to pottery. Including getting painted-style pictures onto high temperature fired pieces:
Things we missed as children/How to make kids' TV stomachable to adults:
"Any more calls, Janine?"
"...ghost terrorists in the UN - they're protesting the Monroe doctrine - and some guy named Samsa called to say he's been posessed by a giant cockroach."
Those were the days, I am tempted to say, but I haven't watched children's telly for a long time, so it wouldn't be fair.
I hate to admit that I've looked up adverts on You Tube... but I have. Everyone at work was going on about the Cadburys advert with the gorilla. I wanted to know what the fuss was about so I looked it up. It was handy that it was there. I didn't get it though. Why is a gorilla playing a Phil Collins song so appealing to people?
Apologies for my comment absence: I'm here; I've just been feeling quiet.
Specific adverts I can understand - I was looking for the Tetley ad with Lovely Day as the soundtrack - but full breaks, chosen apparently at random, full of awful adverts, I don't get.
I guess they are interesting from a Post Modern POV or from a nostalgia POV. Maybe the people who upload them are trying to make points about copyright and adverts or something (i doubt it though and if they are then they are not suceeding in making them).
It can be interesting though. When I went to uni I began my policy of not having a TV. My dad used to make me "bits tapes" on which he recorded various things he thought might interest me. They became rather an easoteric artform where he would deliberately cut programmes off and flit about, creating very new TV creations. Imagine someone else controlling your remote and you can't even argue with them!! There were often random blasts of adverts and in that contexts they were interesting. Watching youtube is perhaps a similar experience, you can only view 9 min sections of TV and are at the mercy of whatever people have chosen to upload, although you have more autonomy in how you navigate your way through it all.
Also, I imagine, such "boring2 viewing experiences appeal to certain groups of people under the influence of various drugs who seem to enjoy watching daytime TV under the aforementioned influence for reasons of amusement, stimulation and claims of irony.
A nice try at reasoning, in which the stoners line of thought seems most likely.
Peter's tapes sound much more exciting, though. Were they more crafted or more random? (PS- I. and I listened to Brotherhood last night, and it was stunning. An idea followed all the way through. And Peter's narration was very, very enjoyable to listen to.)
They were sometimes crafted and sometimes random, which was part of the point.
I like the way brotherhood came out. I was worried that as a performance piece it was not comprehensible, but I think my dads performance (and in turn Matt's direction, I was there when it was recorded and the performance comes about 60% dad, 30% Matt and 10% me I guess). It was wicked though. I mean dad has a great narrational voice for kids and also for adults and has always been a dab hand at entertaining accents it was great to marry all these things together that way. I had never, until we were recording it, anticipated that the main narration would be done as if being read to a child, but I think it works wonderfully.
Dad however is hates his performance (in this and in the other stories he has read.) Personally I think he's being silly, but its refreshing how age is no barrier to sillyness. He admits he isn't exactly objective on this issue, and since I generally hate my performances when I listen back to them I can hardly criticise his reaction. I think he was a good choice for the series and is working sucessfully.
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